Best Bits About Summer Jobs
The past 4 weeks have been an extremely busy time for me, as I have been working a summer job. This has been exhausting and time consuming and demoralising, but I want to remember this as a positive experience so I am going to do a blog post about the wonderful things that have happened.
- Co-workers! In my case, lots of my co-workers were my friends from school but I also had the opportunity to get to know and befriend many other wonderful people.
- Money, after all that is the reason why we work! It means we have the funds to experience things and buy things and have a great summer.
- The lack of boredom that can only come from being preoccupied 24/7, unusual during the summer.
- A fantastic night's sleep after an exhausting day. This is so underrated!
- In my case, my boss. She was wonderful and took good care of me while I was working, made it an absolute pleasure.
- The cleaners! In my experience anyway, cleaners are lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with them and learning about the weird things they see in the school boarding house (vagina cream in a boy's room?????)
- The independence that you get from having your OWN money rather than living off funds from your parents.
- Never has a shower made me feel so much cleaner than after a long day of forest school and it felt wonderful.
- Knowing the rest of the summer is ahead of me! I'm so excited, hopefully I'll do a blog post soon on my summer plans :)