10 Date Ideas

I love going on dates, but since I have been at uni both James and I don't really have the money to go on as many as we'd like to. This has meant that we have come up with cheaper ways to spend time together, and save money for the occasional fancier outing. Here are some ideas for dates based on some of our favourites.

  • Short road trips. Just take a day out to drive somewhere you haven't been before, or somewhere that means a lot to you and go there. You can spend no money at all, or lots of money depending on what you do or where you go. My favourite was when James took me to Bourton-on-the-water and we had a picnic and spent some time wandering around the beautiful little town before heading to the bird zoo. I just love spending time with him, and even the car journey is a great opportunity to listen to music and just enjoy each other's company.

  • Long road trips. If you have more time, this is a great thing to do. Spend a couple of nights in a hotel, either in one place or travelling around. Maybe on a city break, or maybe to the beach? I can't wait to do this with James this summer!

  • Go for tapas! Or if you can't afford to, make your own! We fell in love with tapas when we were in Barcelona, as they are delicious and the process of sharing the dishes means we actually chat rather than just wolfing down our food in silence. Tomato bread and nachos were particular favourites of mine, and I know my parents enjoyed a wide range of fish dishes when they first tried them.

  • Go for a picnic. I know this is a classic but it's just so romantic and lovely in summer. You can choose from any beautiful location, and if the sun is out it is just wonderful. You can spend as much or as little as you like on food as well, from champagne and strawberries to sandwiches made from scraps you had at home it'll be great fun all the same.

  • Ice skating! Another classic. But so so fun, and not too expensive. James and I have been twice and he's much better at it than I am (but don't tell him he'll get a big head!). I really love going and when he's not busy speeding away from me, he'll sometimes hold my hand which is lovely and romantic too.

  • Go on a cultural visit. I'm currently doing a degree in history so this is probably more fun for me than it is for a normal person but I don't care! That being said, James loves going to museums and sight seeing when we're on holiday together, and he doesn't complain when I make him go to castles and ruins close to home either. It's just something interesting to do and twice as fun when you're with a person you love.

  • Do a sport together. This can be anything from going on a run together, to rock climbing, to swimming, to trampolining. Just make sure you only do it to a level you're BOTH comfortable with otherwise it'll be no fun.

  • Do something you would have enjoyed as a child, and still enjoy now. For me this is things like going to the zoo or safari park or an aquarium, but for you it may be going to a theme park or something like that. You could even do something like Go Ape which is essentially a grown up's playground! I love it so much, and it makes me feel like a little kid again.

  • Do a craft together. James and I love to bake together, especially around Christmas time when we can make gingerbread and Christmas cookies and cakes. We also like to do jigsaws together, even if it does get a little competitive sometimes.... I know my uncle and his wife have done lots of things like this, including pottery, cheese making, basket weaving and bee keeping! It's really up to you how much you want to spend, and what you think you'll enjoy doing. It may be a good opportunity to try something new.

  • Go for cocktails! This gives you an opportunity to dress up all fancy without having to spend loads and loads of money. If you only go for one, you can spend less than £10 (or in some places less than £5 even). They're delicious and great fun and just a perfect quick and cheap, yet classy date.
