My Month in 5 Photos: October

Sadly I was too busy last month to get around to my usual month in 5 photos post but I can't remember half of the whirlwind that was September by now so I'm skipping straight to October.

So the reason I have been so busy at the moment is because I have started university (insert impressed oooos from my family here). It has been such an emotional rollercoaster but one of the ups has been meeting these two. Top girls for top girls' nights.

I go to Bath Spa University, and one of the perks of this is living in the centre of such a beautiful city. The Roman Baths are one of my favourite places ands being able to share them with James was really lovely. I think this may be the only photo of us where James doesn't look uncomfortable haha.

My grandmother flew over from Germany this month so of course my family saw that as a great excuse to come and visit me in Bath and I saw that as a great excuse for a family selfie!

My favourite small person is at university in Southampton now, so of course I had to find an opportunity to go down there and annoy her. It was lovely to catch up and do some shopping we both can't afford.

My brother also came to Bath last month and I took him sightseeing for a bit. It was nice to spend some time with him for once!
