Chicken Escalope and Veggie Salad

Today my boyfriend and I decided to make some homemade food for dinner. He googled a recipe and we compiled the list of ingredients we needed to make the dish. Having gone to Sainsbury's to collect all of our shopping we started making the dish.
Chicken Escalope:

In order to make the escalope you will need - chicken breast, 3 eggs, flour and bread crumbs. 

1. Put the 3 eggs in a bowl and whisk them.
2. Take a piece of chicken breast ( we used large pieces) and cover it in regular white flour as fully as possible.
3. Dip the flour-covered fillet of chicken breast into the egg mixture.
4. Now place the same chicken fillet into the bowl with bread crumbs and make sure every little bit of the fillet is covered up ( this will give it a very nice and crispy taste).

Now repeat the same procedure for as many fillets as you would like to make and then proceed onto the other steps.

5. Now that everything is ready, it is time to cook the chicken. Pour some oil onto the frying pan, heat it up and place the fillets onto the frying pan. Fry each of the two sides for 3-4 minutes and then turn over.
6. In order to ensure that the escalope is soft and juicy ( and not overly dry) you need to grill the escalope for 15-20 minutes. Fry it on one side for 10 minutes and then turn and keep it on the grill for another 10 minutes.

Voila, your chicken escalope is now ready to eat!

It is now time to move onto the salad.
For this part of the recipe you will need rocket, spinach, peppers, cucumber, olives, avocados, onions, baby plum tomatoes, marinaded chillies and salad dressing.

1. Wash all of the vegetables.
2. Chop up the tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and onions. Place the chopped vegetables in a bowl with the rocket and spinach.
3. Clean the avocado, chop it up into small cubes and add it to the rest of the vegetables.
3. Now add the olives to the mix.
4. Use the chillies to add a little bit of spice to the salad - chop them up into tiny pieces and add them to the salad.
5. Now you can use the marinade from the chillies to make a salad dressing. Add some balsamic vinegar to the marinade, alongside olive oil and a tiny bit of flour ( in order to ensure that there is a slightly thicker texture to it).
6. Also add the salad dressing to the mix in order to maximise the flavour.

Now that everything is ready, chop up some bread and serve. We also decided to boil some eggs throughout the process and have one each, but you can skip this step if you wish. Enjoy!
